пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

The spring breeze of changes.

It all gets better. When you see ‘March’ on your phone screen, it becomes easier to make new decisions kick in, smiles appear on your face and love warm your heart. When you finally get a vibe to take your fancy shoes and dresses out of your closet and take your Ugg boots off. I weirdly want to put my heels on tomorrow, no matter that it’s still pretty cold and snowy. It’s Saturday, it’s the first SPRING Saturday of the year and I want to go all beautiful tomorrow. Light and different, spring textures – a leather jacket or a silk blouse – from now on, day by day. The winter is over! Is’t it the best thing in the world – this year-round season change? I know exactly how funny it is for my Cali friends to read these lines. People who have been wearing bikinis throughout the whole winter won’t get how AWESOME it is to switch from your winter closet to a spring/summer collection. It’s not just a different style that is in. It’s nothing about a new line from your favorite designer. I can actually FEEL this breeze of changes. Outfit changes. Style changes. Life changes. It’s like you are born again, young and beautiful. It’s like every dress is so new, cause you haven’t worn it for a while. Since… Last year!

1 комментарий:

  1. Здравствуйте.
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