среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

Love is in!

I feel like there can be nothing more tender than to read a fairy tale for a person you love. It's more intimate than seduction, it's less stressful than chatting. It's the easiest way to say "I love you, noone sees us right now and you can be completely opened with me". Murmuring a fairytale is like singing a lullaby, but even better, cause you can always choose the right one. Cheerful when your soulmate is down, tender when you want to show your feelings. There is always a story to teach and learn. There is always a cahnce to become a little happier. Cooler than fashion - love. It's always in.

One of my favourites - about a baby bear and a hedgehog, These two were cleaning stars every night cause they got filthy. It's a wonderful story of friendship and understanding each other in any circumstances.

Как ёжик с медвежонком протирали звезды
Вот уже целый месяц Ежик каждую ночь лазил на сосну и протирал звезды.
"Если я не буду протирать звезды каждый вечер - думал он - они обязательно потускнеют".
И с утра выходил на крыльцо, наламывал свежий веник, чтобы сбивать сначала со звезд пыль, и стирал тряпочку. Тряпочка у него была одна, и поэтому он каждое утро мыл ее и вешал на сосну сушить.
Покончив с приготовлениями. Ежик обедал и ложился спать. Просыпался он, когда уже выпадала роса. Поужинав, брал тряпочку в одну лапу, а веник в другую и потихонечку, с сучка на сучок, подымался на самую верхушку сосны. Здесь начиналось самое главное. Сначала звезды надо было обстукать веником, да так осторожно, чтобы случайно не сбить с неба. Потом веник переложить в левую лапу, а тряпочку взять в правую и протирать звезды до блеска. Работа была кропотливая, и на нее уходила вся ночь.
"А как же иначе? - ворчал Ежик, беседуя сам с собой на верхушке сосны.- Если Медвежонок не протрет звезды, если я не протру звезды, то кто же протрет звезды?.."
Медвежонок в это время тоже сидел на верхушке сосны над своим домом, протирал звезды и думал:
"Удивительно, как это Ежику в голову пришла такая счастливая мысль! Ведь если бы Ежик не придумал чистить звезды, их бы давно уже никто не видел. Вон какая пыльная!.." - И он дунул на звезду и потер тряпочкой...
Медвежонок очень старался, но у него не всегда получалось, как у Ежика. И если с неба падала звезда, все в лесу знали, что это ее нечаянно столкнул Медвежонок.

вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

Let's talk about cars

A fashion obsession means that it is everywhere. Labels on clothes, shoes, even cars. Designers usually pick little ones and put logos on. Girls loooooove them cause they are so cute, and tiny and Gucci. Like a little striped Fiat. They can be so YSL, like this little Citroen. So French, so Italian. Aww!

No matter how much I love these brands, little cars by them are funny to me. I still believe that cars should be out of fashion – power should be in. Doesn't mean that they shouldn't be stylish of course. But power is the main thing to be everywhere, in every detail, in the engine, in the exterior, in the design itself.

 Fashion is light – it changes every now and then. Dresses and scarves are made out of cotton and silk. Cars are made out of metal and leather. Can anything like that be light?

Well, I am OBSESSED with cars. Sometimes I am not sure what I love more – purses or these huge awesome metal creatures. Of course I love my car. My Nissan baby boy, my important guy who drives me around and makes my life so much easier. Of course, looking at other cars makes me shaky inside. Every Monday and Wednesday, when my yoga classes finish late in the evening and the roads are empty the time of car industry comes. The night time, when drivers can show how powerful they and their cars are. Noone will see if the jacket is LV or Zara but there is no doubt your BMW is noticeable enough. You may wear Dior and take a train every morning cause it’s faster and whatnot. You can wear whatever you like but the leather on your seats will compliment any outfit, for sure. The Racing power in big cities like Moscow is definitely as big as the Fashion power. Wonderfully combining these two automatically make you win the battle for this wild city pride.

Guess who is skipping yoga tonight?

четверг, 2 февраля 2012 г.

Business mysteries

I’ve recently done some research about brand stores in Moscow and it is crazy how this business sphere lives out here. I am not sure what is going on in the world but fashion and business is definitely a weird combo.
Of course, we all know, there isn’t such a word as sale for luxury brands like LV, Brioni, Gucci and many others. They sell every single item of each new collection? Pretty doubtful, right? Well, there are three big companies that own all the high-end boutiques in Moscow, and also have department stores, where the stuff is mixed together. Mercury means total luxury – Mr. Fridlyand and Mr Strunin founded their company in 1994 and since then they’ve been exclusive dealers of Rolex, Tiffany’s and a lot of wonderful car brands like Lamborghini, Bentley and  Maseratti.  Bosco di Ciliegi works with less expensive brands (D&G, Emporio Armani, Jean Paul Gaultier, Moschino, Casadei). Djamil ko’s owner from what I’ve heard is a a very expressive and greedy person (even thou his is a millionaire). He deals with Hermes, Christian Dior, Yohji Yamamoto etc.

First of all, all unsold items (50-70%) are sent to huge stocks where (if you are close enough to the owner) you can buy stuff with a 95% discount and then just destroyed. All beautiful designer dresses and purses aew burnt and torn cause they weren't sold for their regular price! It’s also almost impossible to import clothes, shoes and accessories legally. The fees and taxes are so high that the items become priceless after the customs. The price already doubles, not even talking about other expenses – salaries, rent, ads. So pretty much all three of Russian Fashion Monsters are using different schemes to pay less and earn more. For instance, according to the documents, no clothes are being imported but fabrique, second-hand items or even tights and socks for charity organizations. Crazy, isn’t it? Another “option” is to deal with offshores and import luxury goods thru the third country/organization. The cost of a D&G dress is $15 in covering documents. 15! Can you imagine that? The Chanel purse is $12. You understand how much it lowers the customs fees – quite enough to help minimizing expenses no matter if it’s legal or not.

I’ve read enough to understand that fashion business is a business first of all. No matter what you sell – gas, stationery or brand purses, you have fees and taxes due. You have to import goods, paying as little as you can. You have people working in your stores and contracts and many more economic details that make fashion an industry like any other, a little cooler but money-oriented as well.  Will we still love our favorite designers and their creative ideas and outfits they present? Yep.