Inspiration is definitely one of the weirdest things in the world. It depends on my mood and my life so much! There is definitely smth that makes me happy anytime, like different outfits, books or driving. But I also have many more interests in my life! Do they always inspire me? Nope! Do I know why? Hm…
I feel like there are certain things that are pretty much stable and they are cool no matter what – like the smell of the freshly-brewed coffee/fashion and interior magazines/adrenaline in your blood after a cool drive/travelling (!!)/choosing your look for the day/a cake from the bakery downstairs (lucky I have one so close!). I know exactly that all of this puts a smile on my face.
There are things you can’t be that sure about. Not because they are less important or you love them less. Sometimes you just don’t know how it goes. For instance, I love theatre and art. Every time I go to the gallery I hope I will looooove it! It happens most of the times but not always. Like contemporary art museums. They drive me nuts! After visiting the ones in New York and Moscow I walked out super depressed and with the feeling that the world is going crazy. No matter how trendy it is to adore contemporary. Another thing – I always love my friends and usually we have so much fun together! But they are people and can be in a bad mood, with a headache or their life can be a complete mess once in a while. Meeting them for breakfast usually makes my day. Sometimes instead of being inspired and happy smth just goes wrong. Your friend is late again or you are both tired and grouchy. You had a bad day or your friend did. You just never know.
The only thing I try to do with all that is to live my life! Day by day, hour by hour. No matter how shitty your day was – there is always another one! Love everything you’ve got. Even if it hasn’t inspired you today – it will, tomorrow! Accept your friends and your soulmates, your work and your apartment, your closet and yourself – just the way they are and try to find inspirations in new things! May be a new friend? A new lover? A new purse? We are all so different and everyone has his own key for creating, drawing, scrapbooking, writing or making people around happy.
Inspire and get inspired!
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