понедельник, 10 июня 2013 г.


They say brave people make decisions within seven inhales and seven exhales. I say – it’s all about the moment. Sometimes we sit there and think it over and over and over and yet don’t have enough spirit to say: ’’dude, it’s enough”. There are days though when making a decision is not an option any more, you wake up/get a text/make a sip of coffee and it strikes you so naturally, with no more doubt. You don’t even track your thoughts or emotions, you become brave and calm all of a sudden and stop fooling yourself. Then deleting someone’s number does not mean that you remember it by heart. Deleting text messages doesn’t mean that you neatly copy them first to a folder called “personal stuff” on your laptop. De-friending on facebook does not mean putting his page on your first tab when opening your browser. Once, you are just over it. You actually delete everything and move on, disregarding all games that you’ve played with your soul for the last couple months.

 For some people crossing a person out of life is an easy task, for me it’s not. Every person who appears in my life feels like a project. It HAS TO be successful. I refuse to understand it when two people can not work it out. Especially when they want to but fail for some reason. Everything is negotiatable. If you have a desire to work it out, you will, otherwise there are only excuses to be found. It’s all about accepting people the way they are. If you fully accept the personality and don’t blame him for his natural traights (which might as well be awkward), you care for him/her not trying to change the way he talks/laughs/breaths. I guess acceptance is the wisdom of life.

Every time you fail in a relationship of any kind it empties your heart. Usually any failure gives you an awful feeling of being lost, and stupid, and empty. But have you ever thought of emptiness as a good category? It doesn’t mean that you have nothing left, it means you are left together with your own self, to learn your lesson and get over – alone. Sometimes when your purse gets really messy, there is no other choice but to take everything out, clean it up, find a bunch of trash, freak out, and then put back what’s needed. Same here. Sometimes when your heart gets messy, there is no other choice but to take everything out, clean it up, find a bunch of trash, freak out, and then put back what’s needed. Empty yourself and let the Universe fill you. It surely knows better what to put inside. All good things in life are young, wild and free. Now is the only time, and it’s definitely the right time to try.