You know how much I love road trips. Just the idea of getting in the car and just driving somewhere seems amazing to me. This time we went to Karelia - which is a 15-hour drive away from Moscow. It was kinda of crazy to drive for 30 hours total fri thru sunday but it was K's family reunion and I actually liked it! I am such a big city kid that living in the village is an absolute nonsence to me, but people do it and there is so many wonderful moments I want to share. White nights which I totally forgot about is the first one. Karelia is a little further to the north than St. Petersburg (famous for its "white nights" season) - meaning that 1 am is light as day time! Isn't it crazy? I also looooved the animals I got to play with - dogs, cats and even cows! (well, I freaked out to see cows so close so I tried not to bother them lol). Green grass and walking barefoot made me think of living in a house, not an apartment. It feels so relaxing and nice - no cars, no crowds. I could wear the easiest clothes ever - pretty much I spent the whole weekend in a cozy Billabong sweatshirt, Morgan leggins and Toms shoes. Flowers and peaceful atmosphere for the whole weekend - what can be better than that?
Karelia welcomes you anytime. A ton of mosquito spray ready? Get on the road!
The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page.