I thought the quarter-life crisis, when you finish your university and have to grow up and get a big-kid job adn stuff like that, will hit me as soon as the day of my thesis defence passes. Actually, nope. I have a feeling of great relief and freedom instead. I've never in my life thought that finishing school will be so stressful. I spent a month writing my thesis, which was incredibly cognitive but boring and tiring at the same time. First off, it was so hard to postpone LIFE, to move my friends, my books, my free time activities, my runs and my yoga and devote all my time to studies. It's in saint how people study in Europe. I've studied so hard for a month and I thought my body and mind will kill me. Can't even imagine studying like that throughout all of these years. But I survived! And thank God my nearest people overcame this awful month with me, even thou my friends, K., my parents were all on the edge of nervous breakdown too - seeing the unhappy Mashaface, hearing the unhappy Mashavoice, day by day, 30 days straight! It's crazy! I am so grateful for all those people who were there for me and stayed calm, no matter what. Now, looking back, it seems like there was no big deal to finish school, you know the feeling, but even a week ago it was so different. Anyways, that's how I spent this time of my life, and I do hope that nothing else in the bright grown-up future will be that freakin stressful;)
tired Mashaface
Taking my thesis for the first check (It was so messy that I tied it with ribbon as if it was a present lol)
Getting relaxed and inspired by food, cars, field flowers and new jewelry
Getting treats for my home-made coffee and enjoying it at my fave place
Having fun in the middle of all stress
Cheering up hehe;)
Awwww.. so worried!
I am proud of everyone! We made it happen! We rock!